Maëlle Salmon 🏠 🐦 ma_salmon
Licence CC-BY-SA
Picture by Dimitry Anikin on Pexels.
Guten Tag, R-Ladies Vienna!
I will share about some tools and tips!
Picture by cottonbro on Pexels.
But first, who am I?
Part-time Research Software Engineer for rOpenSci, in particular maintaining our package dev guide. 🔧
Work on pkgdown 2.0.0, on fledge docs. ✨
Online book “HTTP testing in R” with Scott Chamberlain. 📖
R-Ladies Global Twitter Account. 🐦
Editor for rOpenSci Software Peer Review. 📦
Various talks. 😉
That everyone learns at least one new thing. 😁
⚒️ Basic principles for R projects ;
⚒️ How to protect your projects from external changes;
⚒️ What structure for your project ;
⚒️ How to run your project.
😿 Not asked for by The Little Prince.
😺 Improve the life of anyone touching or reading your results and their origin. Reproducibility.
😹 Always something to improve or procrastinate on.
😦 Not regularly in charge of analyses.
😄 I keep up-to-date with R news.
Picture by cottonbro on Pexels.
“Everything I know is from @JennyBryan.” —@sharlagelfand #mood #rstudioconf
— Kara Woo (@kara_woo) January 30, 2020
Don’t repeat yourself, talk to yourself! Repeated reporting in the R universe
Sharla too is a great source of good ideas! 💐
Logo by Martin Monkman.
Picture by Irina Iriser on Pexels.
A project, a folder!
The Kei-tora Gardening Contest is an annual event put on by the Japan Federation of Landscape Contractors to see who can build the best looking garden on the back of a Kei truck. Here are some of the winners from the past 12 years.
— Doctor Popular 💉 💉 🎉 (@DocPop) June 10, 2021
If the first line of your script is …
🔥 setwd("C:/users/you/a/path/specific/to/you)
🔥 or rm(list = ls())
Jenny Bryan will come into your office and set your computer on fire. 😱
Illustration by Allison Horst.
or an empty file called .here
at the project root.
Paths are defined relative to that.
[1] "/home/maelle/Documents/rladies/rladies-vienna"
[1] "/home/maelle/Documents/rladies/rladies-vienna/data"
readr::read_csv(here::here("data", "cool-stuff.csv"))
It works from anywhere inside my rladies-vienna
folder! (rladies-vienna/README.Rmd
, rladies-vienna/reports/script.R
, etc.)
Re-start R regularly and without fear!
NEVER save and re-load .RData
`usethis::use_blank_slate()` sets your @rstudio preference to NEVER save/restore .RData on exit/startup, which is a lifestyle endorsed by many #rstats folks (including me).
— Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan) June 15, 2021
Just did a clean install and got my first chance to use this on my own behalf 😌
🌹 A way of life, hum, work!
✨ usethis::create_project()
That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet
Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet. 🌹
Not true when writing code! 😅
Machine readable (no accent);
Human readable (informative about the content);
Work well with default ordering (YYYY-MM-DD rather than DD-MM-YYYY).
I didn't expect programming to involve so much time studying a thesaurus #namingThings
— Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan) September 1, 2021
Picture by Skitterphoto on Pexels.
Your project will evolve, how to keep track of changes to be able to come back?
Picture by PhotoMIX Company on Pexels.
Dates in filenames
or version control.
Learning git: not easy, but worth the effort! Not R but useful for R.
Being able to try things out, come back, understand past changes.
XKCD by Randall Munroe.
Drawing by Damien Cornu. ❤️
git add
to start tracking a file (.gitignore
to list files to always ignore) ;
git commit
to save a change in the history ;
git pull
/ git push
to download / upload the local version from / to the remote version (e.g. GitHub);
git checkout -b
to create a “branch.”
My preferences 😁
, usethis::use_github()
, etc.) and gert (gert::git_push()
) to stay in R ;Excuse Me, Do You Have a Moment to Talk About Version Control?, Jenny Bryan.
Happy Git and GitHub for the useR, Jenny Bryan, the STAT 545 TAs, Jim Hester.
Reflections on 4 months of GitHub: my advice to beginners, Suzan Baert.
Isolate R projects, re-start R regularly.
Name files well.
Use version control.
🌹 Good enough practices in scientific computing Wilson G, Bryan J, Cranston K, Kitzes J, Nederbragt L, et al. (2017) Good enough practices in scientific computing. PLOS Computational Biology 13(6): e1005510.
🌹 What They Forgot to Teach You About R, Jenny Bryan, Jim Hester.
Picture by cottonbro on Pexels.
You write beautiful data wrangling with package::my_favorite_function()
Now you go and update that package and realize my_favorite_function()
is gone!
For good reasons but your script is now broken! 😱
Encapsulate your project! 🎉
Important tool : renv by Kevin Ushey!
Successor of packrat.
Install and remove packages as usual. Regularly renv::snapshot()
. Metadata of dependencies stored in renv.lock
. 🔒
Your colleague who inherits your project runs renv::restore()
🐳 Docker? 🔒 R version, operating system, in short everything.
“Introduction to using Docker for reproducibility in R” by Malindrie Dharmaratne at R-Ladies Brisbane. Video recording, materials.
List dependencies of the project.
The easiest way to get started is to start using renv.
Picture by cottonbro on Pexels.
Data or the code to get them from a database or a remote resource;
Some code munging and analysing them;
Some output that could be a graph, a report etc.
Automatic creation.
… Package or not?
By Kenton White.
Love for ProjectTemplate, Hilary Parker:
✅ “Routine is your friend.”
✅ “It’s easier to start somewhere and then customize, rather than start from the ground up.”
✅ “Reproducibility should be as easy as possible.”
✅ “Finding things should also be as easy as possible.”
To store functions and data used across projects: YES!!!
E.g. follow Shel Kariuki’s tutorial given at R-Ladies Nairobi.
Dependencies in DESCRIPTION
Functions in R/
with documentation in man/
Data in data/
(or data-raw/
Analyses as vignettes (R Markdown),
Informative README.
🏄♂️ Re-use or refresh your package development skills,
🏄♂️ Re-use tools made for package development (like devtools and usethis).
“Research compendium.” Packaging Data Analytical Work Reproducibly Using R (and Friends), Ben Marwick, Carl Boettiger & Lincoln Mullen (2018), The American Statistician, 72:1, 80-88, DOI: <10.1080/00031305.2017.1375986>
📦 rrtools by Ben Marwick. Set up a compendium!
📦 holepunch by Karthik Ram. One click and the reader gets to play with your code! (🤫 holepunch works without the compendium structure as well.)
🚀 R-universe by Jeroen Ooms at rOpenSci to publish your analyses.
Project as an R package: An okay idea by Miles McBain.
“My response to advocates of project as a package is: ==You’re wasting precious time making the wrong packages.==”
“Instead of shoehorning your work into the package development domain, with all the loss of fidelity that entails, why aren’t you packaging tools that create the smooth {devtools}/{usethis} style experience for your own domain?”
As you wish 😉 (as your team wishes) but
Basic structure consistent over time ;
Automatic creation.
Make reproducibility ✨ easier ✨.
Picture by cottonbro on Pexels.
How do you go from resources and scripts to the analysis output (e.g. report, figures)?
Maybe you only need the knit button if your project is an R Markdown report?
Maybe you need something more complex?
Optimize a pipeline.
Track versions of an analysis (input and output).
Optimize a pipeline. 📦 targets maintained by Will Landau.
Track versions of an analysis (input and output). 📦 orderly maintained by Rich FitzJohn.
targets deduces relationships between pieces of a project (e.g. if raw data changes, everything needs to be re-done) ;
targets only performs necessary computation.
Part of the rOpenSci suite of packages. Successor of drake by the same author.
At the core of a targets project, the _targets.R
Load packages;
Load functions (source()
scripts from R/
for instance);
Define targets!
format = "file"
read_csv(raw_data_file, col_types = cols())
raw_data %>%
tar_target(hist, create_plot(data)),
tar_target(fit, biglm(Ozone ~ Wind + Temp, data))
To build, targets::tar_make()
(and targets::tar_destroy()
To understand your pipeline, targets::tar_glimpse()
Illustration from targets manual.
Reproducible Computation at Scale in R with {targets} (Will Landau at RUG Lille).
Start with a small project (My current level 😅).
An R package ecosystem for democratized reproducible pipelines at scale
Watch the GitHub repository of targets ;
Follow Will Landau on Twitter ;
Subscribe to rOpenSci newsletter ;
Connect with other users. 😉
(Thanks to Rich for answering my questions 🙏)
Different challenge: keep track of everything going into and out of an analysis, at different points in time.
For instance to allow audits in the future.
The analysis can be huge so git isn’t the tool for the job.
In orderly there are repos and in repos there are reports.
Example with a repo of one report. orderly::orderly_init("blop")
then orderly::orderly_new("example", "blop")
, some file editing and I get:
├── orderly_config.yml
└── src
└── example
├── orderly.yml
└── script.R
script: script.R
- staticgraph:
description: A graph of things
filenames: mygraph.png
- data:
description: Data that went into the plot
filenames: mydata.csv
dat <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = runif(10))
write.csv(dat, "mydata.csv", row.names = FALSE)
id <- orderly::orderly_run("example", root = "blop")
This draft (resources, script, results, in short everything!) appears in the folder draft/example/id-illisible
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = "blop")
This version (resources, script, results, in short everything!) appears in the folder archive/example/id-illisible
⚠️The archive and draft folders can be huge, so back them up with something other than git. ⚠️
orderly documentation website is really great!
Start small to understand how it works (once again, my level 👋).
Connect with other users.
Watch orderly GitHub repository ;
Follow the blog of the team developing orderly ;
Follow Rich FitzJohn on Twitter.
Picture by cottonbro on Pexels.
Before summing up, thanks to Laura Vana, Annalisa Cadonna, Camilla Damian and Ursula Laa and to all of you! 🙏 ✨
Thanks a lot to Christophe Dervieux for useful feedback on the content of this talk!
🌻 Good basics like isolating your project, back-ups.
🌻 Encapsulating the project. (renv? Docker?)
🌻 Practical, consistent and automatic structure. (Package or not?)
🌻 Using tools for building outputs that answers your needs (optimizing a pipeline? tracking versions of an analysis projects?).
Some more useful resources:
Course “Reproducible Research Data and Project Management in R” by Anna Krystalli.
Good enough practices in scientific computing Wilson G, Bryan J, Cranston K, Kitzes J, Nederbragt L, et al. (2017) Good enough practices in scientific computing. PLOS Computational Biology 13(6): e1005510.
The Turing Way, an open source community-driven guide to reproducible, ethical, inclusive and collaborative data science.
🌹 Read everything Jenny Bryan wrote.
🌹 Choose or even create, as a team, the box in which you put and build your project.
🌹 Do not be afraid to renew your toolset over time.